Recap — Index is Erode
What’s your biggest fear ?I like for to walk my puppy without a leash. I fear that she will be hit by a car . She is safe in the backyard.What ?I thought we are going to talk about math, pandas , clustering etc.Let me ask the same question again , what’s your biggest fear ?I’m going to sleep in my class and get a zero in my exam.What’s your grades so far ?Its not bad it’s been good. Unfortunately all the good grades has been archived and unit 2 has just started . I mean who does this ?What ? Are you looking for a job ?I have worked in many systems and have come to a point, where in I can’t keep up with the version of libraries , languages, frameworks and I need a calculator to do the math of 200 * 0.01 , which is noise. Let’s have some fun, let’s do mental math. I got freaked out , looking at this real number. Then realized we are just multiplying by 1. I have to put a decimal point after two digits.
Let’s try one more what is 50 * 0.01 => .5 .what’s with the number 0.01 ?Its supposed to be standard deviation. Thanks to my teachers, they have given plenty of information in the notes to play and digest the labs.
Gee Priya, we changed the topic again. Stay with me.(Ctrl + Alt + 6)
# plot this on a graph
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax = plt.axes()
ax.plot(cities, df1.iloc[0])
plt.title("My HomeTown-Neighboring Cities-Countries")
plt.xlabel("Name of the towns/cities I know")
plt.ylabel("Distance in km")
You see , i stopped the data until 847 km in the graph and you would despise having to scroll up to see the graph. Now let’s add Houston, Texas.
cities = ["Perundurai","Gobi","Salem","Coimbatore","Paladam","Nammakal","Chennai","Hyderabad","Houston"] # distance is in KM
df1 = pd.DataFrame([[18.3,42,59.8,75,100,107,424,829,15376]], columns = [cities], index=[["Erode"]])
If you land in Houston, TX . The data will be normalized and you won’t see much of change. Bring in MARS.
Errors in Graph